A Mario Frangoulis dedication to poet Federico Garcia Lorca in commemoration of his death
70 years ago. Federico García Lorca was a Spanish poet and dramatist (also known as a
painter, pianist, and composer) was killed on August 19, 1936 at the beginning of the Spanish
Civil War. Also participating in this album next to Mario is the new talented Greek tenor
Constantine Klironomos.
- I nihta dipsase gia iskious - To mousiko paidi - Neraida (duet with C. Klironomos) -
Narkissos - Efta Koritsia (duet with C. Klironomos) - Pige sti Thalassa i Mikri mou - Thalassa
(by C. Klironomos) - Skotinos Erotas (Amor Oscuro) Instrumental - Nanourismata ston
Kathrepti - Madrigali - Feggari - Aravonas - Epilogue Instrumental - Adelina de Paseo